Residenzschloss – Residential Palace Ludwigsburg

Residential Palace Ludwigsburg

Not only is the Lud­wigs­burg Palace one of the largest sur­viv­ing cas­tles in Europe from the Baroque peri­od, it is also unique in that the roy­al apart­ments from the Baroque, Roco­co and Impe­r­i­al peri­ods are pre­served in their entire­ty, includ­ing wall dec­o­ra­tion and rich fur­ni­ture. Three gen­er­a­tions of rulers, builders, artists and arti­sans designed these spaces, which show­case the cre­ativ­i­ty and artistry of their respec­tive peri­ods. To fur­ther your jour­ney through his­to­ry, the palace also fea­tures three muse­ums: the Barock­ga­lerie (Baroque Gallery), Mode­mu­se­um (Fash­ion Muse­um), and Keramik­mu­se­um (Ceram­ics Museum).

Just 16 km (10 mi) north of Stuttgart in Lud­wigs­burg, this beau­ti­ful palace is the per­fect des­ti­na­tion for fam­i­lies. It is sur­round­ed by a large fairy-tale gar­den, there are spe­cial tours avail­able on request with guides in peri­od cos­tume, and best of all, chil­dren will love the Kinder­re­ich (Chil­dren’s King­dom). In this sec­tion of the palace, chil­dren (ages 4 and up) are allowed to do what is nor­mal­ly for­bid­den in such his­toric sites: explore, touch, and try things out. With their accom­pa­ny­ing adults, they can role-play life in the duke’s court. Plus, fes­ti­vals, mar­kets and oth­er cul­tur­al events fre­quent­ly take place on the palace grounds.

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