Residenzschloss – Residential Palace Ludwigsburg
Not only is the Ludwigsburg Palace one of the largest surviving castles in Europe from the Baroque period, it is also unique in that the royal apartments from the Baroque, Rococo and Imperial periods are preserved in their entirety, including wall decoration and rich furniture. Three generations of rulers, builders, artists and artisans designed these spaces, which showcase the creativity and artistry of their respective periods. To further your journey through history, the palace also features three museums: the Barockgalerie (Baroque Gallery), Modemuseum (Fashion Museum), and Keramikmuseum (Ceramics Museum).
Just 16 km (10 mi) north of Stuttgart in Ludwigsburg, this beautiful palace is the perfect destination for families. It is surrounded by a large fairy-tale garden, there are special tours available on request with guides in period costume, and best of all, children will love the Kinderreich (Children’s Kingdom). In this section of the palace, children (ages 4 and up) are allowed to do what is normally forbidden in such historic sites: explore, touch, and try things out. With their accompanying adults, they can role-play life in the duke’s court. Plus, festivals, markets and other cultural events frequently take place on the palace grounds.
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