Museums in Stuttgart

Porsche Museum 1922

Stuttgart is a cul­ture-rich city with a wide vari­ety of muse­ums to vis­it. As in any major city, you can stroll through gal­leries span­ning var­i­ous art move­ments, dis­cov­er region­al his­to­ry and cul­tures from around the world, and explore the world of sci­ence. Stuttgart also has more spe­cial­ized muse­ums: mar­vel at the beau­ti­ful vehi­cles that orig­i­nate from local man­u­fac­tur­ers, learn all about local wine choco­late pro­duc­tion, or check out the world’s largest muse­um devot­ed to pigs!

Art Museums

Kunstmuseum Stuttgart

Stuttgart’s Muse­um of Mod­ern and Con­tem­po­rary Art was built and opened in 2005, so it’s no sur­prise the glass cube of a build­ing looks so mod­ern itself. The muse­um hous­es one of the most impor­tant col­lec­tions of the work of Otto Dix as well as works from Willi Baumeis­ter, Adolf Hölzel, Dieter Roth, among others.


Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Staatsgalerie StuttgartStuttgart’s State Gallery brings togeth­er his­to­ry and the present day. One side of the muse­um, the Alte Staats­ga­lerie, was con­struct­ed in the 19th cen­tu­ry as the Muse­um of Pic­ture Art. In 1984 a new build­ing of con­tro­ver­sial post­mod­ern design, the Neue Staats­ga­lerie was con­nect­ed to the first. Today the Old State Gallery hous­es art from 1300 to 1900, while the New Staats­ga­lerie hous­es more recent works.


History & Science Museums

Stadtpalais Stuttgart

The new Stuttgart City Muse­um opened in April 2018 in the Wil­helmspalais, which was built in 1840 for the princess­es Marie and Sophie of Würt­tem­berg. The muse­um takes vis­i­tors through the his­to­ry of the city, but is also a place where the present and future of the city can be explored and imagined.


Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg

The Muse­um of Baden-Würt­tem­berg His­to­ry was built in the post­mod­ern style and its exhibits are also staged in an archi­tec­tural­ly appeal­ing pre­sen­ta­tion. Short texts, films and oth­er media pro­vide a wealth of inter­est­ing facts about the state and its cap­i­tal Stuttgart, from the time of Napoleon to today.


Württembergisches Landmuseum

Altes Schloss Stuttgart

State Muse­um of Würt­tem­berg is spread across 9 loca­tions and presents a range of his­tor­i­cal trea­sures. The pri­ma­ry loca­tion is housed in the Altes Schloss, or Old Cas­tle, and fea­tures a delight­ful col­lec­tion of arche­o­log­i­cal arti­facts and a sig­nif­i­cant medieval art collection.



Stuttgart’s Eth­no­log­i­cal Muse­um is one of the best such muse­ums in Europe. The exten­sive col­lec­tions pro­vide insights into the every­day cul­ture of for­eign peo­ples as well as the his­to­ry of art and cul­ture across all inhab­it­ed continents.


Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart

Stuttgart State Muse­um of Nat­ur­al His­to­ry is housed in two exhi­bi­tion build­ings. In the Muse­um am Löwen­tor, you can see world-famous fos­sil finds from the primeval times of south­west­ern Ger­many, includ­ing the old­est dinosaurs in Europe, the old­est tur­tles in the world, and the unique­ly pre­served sea dinosaurs of the Swabi­an Alb. Schloss Rosen­stein hous­es the bio­log­i­cal exhi­bi­tion, which presents an overview of today’s ani­mal king­dom and the Earth’s major ecosys­tems with six elab­o­rate­ly designed bio­me displays.


Transportation Museums

Porsche Museum

The Porsche Muse­um is one of the most spec­tac­u­lar car muse­ums in the world. The sleek spi­ral path through the dis­plays mim­ics the smooth lines of the more than 80 vehi­cles showcased.


Mercedes-Benz Museum

Mercedes-Benz Museum

Take a jour­ney into the his­to­ry of auto­mo­biles at the Mer­cedes-Benz Muse­um! There are 1,500 exhibits that take you through 125 years of auto­mo­tive history.


Strassenbahnmuseum Stuttgart

The Tram Muse­um of Stuttgart is housed in a his­toric tram depot dat­ing back to 1929. The muse­um dis­plays his­toric street­cars from 1868 to 1986 as well as infor­ma­tion on the devel­op­ment of pub­lic trans­porta­tion in Stuttgart. The muse­um is the start­ing point for the two revived “old­timer” lines.


Specialty Museums

Weinbaumuseum Stuttgart

The Wine Pro­duc­tion Muse­um of Stuttgart presents infor­ma­tion on his­toric and mod­ern viti­cul­ture in Stuttgart. A vis­it to the muse­um is the per­fect com­ple­ment to vine­yard tours and wine tast­ings for those inter­est­ed in under­stand­ing the region­al char­ac­ter­is­tics of Stuttgart’s wine production.


Museum Ritter

The Rit­ter Muse­um is in fact an art muse­um offer­ing chang­ing exhi­bi­tions and an overview of works of art relat­ed to the sub­ject “square,” in hon­or of the shape of Rit­ter Sport Choco­late. Next door is a build­ing hous­ing an exhi­bi­tion on choco­late in gen­er­al and the com­pa­ny his­to­ry of Rit­ter Sport in par­tic­u­lar, as well as a fac­to­ry out­let of their chocolate.



Pig Museum Slaughterhouse

Stuttgart’s Pig Muse­um is the world’s largest. It is appro­pri­ate­ly housed in the for­mer build­ing of the slaugh­ter­house admin­is­tra­tion, built in 1912 in Art Nou­veau style. The muse­um has 50,000 exhibits pre­sent­ing the art and cul­tur­al his­to­ry of the pig.
