VPN Services

VPN Services

A VPN, or vir­tu­al pri­vate net­work, is a way for Inter­net users to send and receive data while main­tain­ing the secre­cy of a pri­vate network.

There are many rea­sons why some­body wants to use a VPN ser­vice, but for peo­ple from abroad liv­ing in Ger­many the main rea­son is access to stream­ing media. Either the ser­vice you’re usu­al­ly watch­ing is not avail­able at all from Ger­many or you only get the Ger­man cat­a­log, which might not fea­ture as many shows as you’re used to.

There are many VPN ser­vices to choose from, but you should make sure that you get a reli­able one, since the stream­ing ser­vices reg­u­lar­ly block IP address­es that try to get around their loca­tion blocks. From our expe­ri­ence, ExpressVPN has been the best in the last few years, but there’s no guar­an­tee that it will stay this way. If you ever have prob­lems, you can usu­al­ly just switch to a new IP address and they have a pret­ty good sup­port in case you cannot solve an issue you’re having.

If you only need to access web­sites that are blocked for Ger­man IP address­es, you can down­load the Opera Brows­er. It has a built-in VPN which is free to use.