Hospitals in and around Stuttgart

Hospitals in and around Stuttgart

As the cap­i­tal city of Baden-Würt­tem­berg, Stuttgart has a high con­cen­tra­tion of hos­pi­tals with excel­lent med­ical care. There are some dif­fer­ences in the vari­ety of med­ical spe­cial­ties at each hos­pi­tal, how­ev­er. Here we offer an overview of the most impor­tant hos­pi­tals in the Stuttgart area with key infor­ma­tion about each one.

For a com­plete list of all hos­pi­tals, includ­ing much more spe­cial­ized clin­ics, check out this Stuttgart area hos­pi­tals list­ing. We also rec­om­mend read­ing about emer­gency ser­vices and health­care in Ger­many.


Largest emer­gency room in the Stuttgart met­ro­pol­i­tan area; ENT; inter­nal med­i­cine; endocrinol­o­gy; OB/GYN; rheumo­taol­o­gy; pul­monolo­gy; neu­rol­o­gy; ortho­pe­dics; psy­chi­a­try; radi­a­tion ther­a­py; gen­er­al, tho­rax, jaw and face, vas­cu­lar, and trau­ma surgery


Böheim­straße 37, 70199 Stuttgart

+49 711 6489 0


ENT; oph­thal­mol­o­gy; car­di­ol­o­gy; gas­troen­terol­o­gy; hematology/oncology; radi­a­tion ther­a­py; radi­ol­o­gy; urology/nephrology; ortho­pe­dics; gen­er­al, vas­cu­lar, trau­ma and neurosurgery


Kriegs­bergstraße 60, 70174 Stuttgart

+49 711 2780 1


Children’s hos­pi­tal and women’s health cen­ter, pedi­atrics, car­di­ol­o­gy, ortho­pe­dics, neu­rol­o­gy, endo­pros­thet­ics, radi­ol­o­gy, psychiatry


Kriegs­bergstraße 62, 70174 Stuttgart

+49 711 2780 4


Emer­gency ser­vices; inter­nal med­i­cine; car­di­ol­o­gy; ENT; ortho­pe­dics; radi­ol­o­gy; trau­ma, spinal, joint, hand, vis­cer­al, car­diac, plas­tic, and neurosurgery


Hack­straße 61, 70190 Stuttgart

+49 711 2639 0


Care for adults only: inter­nal med­i­cine; geri­atric med­i­cine; gas­troen­terol­o­gy; oncol­o­gy; radi­ol­o­gy; car­di­ol­o­gy; nephrol­o­gy, OB/GYN; ortho­pe­dics; trau­ma, car­diac, vis­cer­al and vas­cu­lar surgery


Auer­bach­straße 110, 70376 Stuttgart

+49 711 8101 0

Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Standort City

Care for adults only: geri­atric med­i­cine, geri­atric reha­bil­i­ta­tion, inter­nal med­i­cine, plas­tic and aes­thet­ic surgery

Robert-Bosch-Kranken­haus, Stan­dort City

Hohen­heimer Str. 21, 70184 Stuttgart

+49 711 2156 0

Krankenhaus Bad Canstatt

Der­ma­tol­ogy, aller­gies, gas­troen­terol­o­gy, inter­nal med­i­cine, oncol­o­gy, radi­ol­o­gy, emer­gency men­tal health ser­vices for adults and children

Kranken­haus Bad Canstatt

Prießnitzweg 24, 70374 Stuttgart

+49 711 2780 2

St. Anna-Klinik, Standort Bad Canstatt

OB/GYN; proc­tol­ogy; ortho­pe­dics; vis­cer­al, trau­ma, and joint surgery

St. Anna-Klinik, Stan­dort Bad Canstatt

Obere Waib­linger Str. 101, 70374 Stuttgart

+49 711 5202 0

St. Anna-Klinik, Standort Hedelfingen

oph­thal­mol­o­gy, eye surgery (includ­ing plas­tic and aes­thet­ic surgery)

St. Anna-Klinik, Stan­dort Hedelfingen

Amstet­ter Str. 54 a, 70329 Stuttgart

+49 711 4020 80

Klinikum Sindelfingen

Car­di­ol­o­gy, neu­rol­o­gy, urol­o­gy, ortho­pe­dics, trau­ma surgery for adults and chil­dren, stroke unit, radi­ol­o­gy, hematology/oncology, vas­cu­lar surgery

Klinikum Sin­delfin­gen

Arthur-Gru­ber-Straße 70, 71065 Sindelfingen

+49 7031 980

Klinikum Boeblingen

Pedi­atrics, OB/GYN, neona­tol­ogy, inter­nal med­i­cine, radi­ol­o­gy, gen­er­al surgery, ophthalmology

Klinikum Boe­blin­gen

Bun­sen­straße 120, 71032 Böblingen

+49 7031 6680