Emergency Services

Emergency Services in Stuttgart

Here’s a quick guide to emer­gency ser­vices here in Stuttgart. After all, there’s no time to waste when you’re in an urgent situation!


Ger­many does­n’t use 911. The two most impor­tant num­bers you should know are 112 and 110.

Call for emer­gency med­ical assis­tance, an ambu­lance, a res­cue, and the fire brigade. This num­ber works all over Europe.

Call to reach the police and report acci­dents. This num­ber is spe­cif­ic to Germany.

Medical emergency services

If you need med­ical assis­tance out­side of nor­mal office hours but it’s not life threat­en­ing, you can call the fol­low­ing number:
116 117

This num­ber is in oper­a­tion Mon­day-Thurs­day 19:00 to 7:00, and Fri­day 14:00 until Mon­day 7:00. It also oper­ates 24 hours a day holidays.

To call an ambu­lance for a sit­u­a­tion that’s not life-threat­en­ing, use this number:

You can also go the Marien­hos­pi­tal with­out an appoint­ment Mon­day-Thurs­day 19:00 to 7:00, Fri­day 14:00 to 7:00, and 7:00 to 1:00 on Sat­ur­day, Sun­day and hol­i­days. They have the largest emer­gency room in the Stuttgart area. You can also check this overview of local hos­pi­tals for oth­er options.

For a com­plete list of med­ical emer­gency ser­vices, includ­ing ER, chil­dren’s doc­tors, and den­tists, vis­it this site in Ger­man.

You can also read more about health­care in Ger­many.

Emergency Pharmacies

If you need a phar­ma­cy at a time when most phar­ma­cies are closed you can search here for which phar­ma­cies are oper­at­ing as emer­gency pharmacies.

Technical Emergencies

If you expe­ri­ence a pow­er out­age, you can call Stuttgart Net­ze Betrieb GmbH 24 hours a day, includ­ing on holidays.
+49 800 4804 409

If you’re deal­ing with a burst water pipe, you can call this helpline 24 hours a day, includ­ing on holidays:
+49 800 3629 497

Other Emergency Services

Emer­gency vet­eri­nary ser­vice can be reached every day from 6:00 to 22:00
Pets: +49 711 216 91900
Strays: +49 711 216 88913

A more exhaus­tive resource of emer­gency ser­vices (in Ger­man) can be found on Stuttgart’s web­site.