

Lud­wigs­burg is a mag­nif­i­cent exam­ple of a baroque town. It is home to the largest baroque cas­tle in Ger­many, whose con­struc­tion began in 1704 under the reign of Eber­hard Lud­wig, the Duke of Würt­tem­berg. The Res­i­den­zschloss (Res­i­den­tial Palace) and its beau­ti­ful gar­dens attracts hun­dreds of thou­sands of vis­i­tors each year.

There are two more cas­tles to explore when you vis­it the town: the Schloss Favorite (Favorite Cas­tle) and Mon­re­pos. With Lud­wigs­burg just a short ride on the S‑Bahn north from Stuttgart (a 16 km or 10 mi jour­ney), it’s worth check­ing out the live­ly shop­ping streets. Plus, there are numer­ous music events and fes­ti­vals through­out the year.

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