Wilhelma Zoo & Botanical Garden

Wilhelma Zoo & Botanical Garden

The Wil­hel­ma is not your typ­i­cal zoo! It is the only zoo­log­i­cal and botan­i­cal gar­den in Ger­many, and its com­bi­na­tion of ani­mal park, botan­i­cal gar­den and his­toric site makes it unique in the world.

King William I of Würt­tem­berg had the Wil­hel­ma built as a com­bi­na­tion of gar­dens and res­i­den­tial build­ings, designed with Moor­ish flair. After the Sec­ond World War, when much of the his­toric site was destroyed, Wil­hel­ma grad­u­al­ly trans­formed itself to the present day attraction.

Wil­hel­ma offers the chance to see around 8,000 ani­mals of almost 1,000 species and more than 6,000 plant species! High­lights include:

  • the largest water lilies in the world
  • the largest mag­no­lia grove north of the Alps
  • impor­tant orchid collections
  • an aviary you can walk through
  • pet­ting zoo with farm animals
  • world-famous aquar­i­um with ter­rar­i­um and croc­o­dile shed

Wil­hel­ma is a great place to spend an entire day with your fam­i­ly! What’s more, it’s worth vis­it­ing in every sea­son: in spring and sum­mer, when plants bloom and many ani­mals have babies; or in autumn and win­ter, when you can enjoy peace and com­fort in the warm green­hous­es and ani­mal houses.

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