Stuttgart TV Tower

Stuttgart TV Tower

Stuttgart’s TV tow­er was the first tele­com tow­er in the world to be built from rein­forced con­crete and steel. Some Stuttgarters were wor­ried it would­n’t hold, but it has not only stood the test of time but become a key part of the city’s sky­line. The Fernse­hturm has served as the pro­to­type for many tow­ers all over Europe and even as far away as Wuhan, China.

You can buy a tick­et to go up to the top of the tow­er and enjoy the unpar­al­leled views of the city. There’s much more to do at the Fernse­hturm, though! Enjoy a deli­cious meal in the Leon­hardts Restau­rant, try out a yoga class, or plan an event set against the panorama.

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