Schwäbisch Hall

Schwäbisch Hall

Schwäbisch Hall is a town that jux­ta­pos­es the mod­ern and the medieval. They real­ly live up to their mot­to “Tra­di­tion trifft Zukun­ft,” or “Tra­di­tion meets the future.” See for your­self – at only 70 km (45 mi) from Stuttgart, it’s easy to make a day of it.

There are many cul­tur­al events to enjoy. Vis­it the open air the­ater, inter­est­ing muse­ums, col­or­ful mar­kets, and unique fes­ti­vals – like the Cake Fes­ti­val and Foun­tain Fes­ti­val. Schwae­bisch Hall is also known for the Sol­bad, a salt­wa­ter bath reput­ed to have cura­tive waters.

When vis­it­ing, it’s also nice to head into the rur­al sur­round­ings. The area offers a vari­ety of bike tours, in addi­tion to many hik­ing options (some even start­ing con­ve­nient­ly from the city center).

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