Schloßplatz – Palace Square

Palace Square Stuttgart

Schloß­platz, or Palace Square, is one of the main squares in Stuttgart. The square is beau­ti­ful­ly designed around two foun­tains and the Anniver­sary Col­umn, which was built on the occa­sion of the 25th anniver­sary of the reign of King William I in 1841. The god­dess of har­mo­ny, Con­cor­dia, tops the 30-meter-high col­umn (that’s near­ly 100 feet). The square offers a view of strik­ing build­ings from sev­er­al archi­tec­tur­al styles: the medieval Old Chan­cellery (Alte Kan­zlei), the Renais­sance-style Old Palace (Altes Schloss), the Baroque New Palace (Neue Schloss), and the late clas­si­cal Königs­bau (now a shop­ping center).

Schloß­platz is a pop­u­lar spot locat­ed in the mid­dle of the pedes­tri­an Königstraße, Stuttgart’s main shop­ping street. Peo­ple meet here to go shop­ping, head to the movie the­ater or opera house, enjoy a pic­nic or sun­bathing, or have some refresh­ment in the many cafes sur­round­ing the square. The music pavil­ion locat­ed near the U‑Bahn sta­tion entrance is an easy meet­ing point. The square also plays host to events like open air con­certs, the Stuttgart Sum­mer Fes­ti­val, and the Christ­mas Mar­ket.

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