

Rot­tweil is the old­est town in Baden-Würt­tem­berg, locat­ed 95 km (60 mi) from Stuttgart. While his­to­ry, art, and nature attract vis­i­tors year round, it is par­tic­u­lar­ly pop­u­lar dur­ing the tra­di­tion­al car­ni­val peri­od known as Fas­net. Of course, you might also know it as the home of the Rot­tweil­er dog breed.

Rot­tweil shows signs of set­tle­ment dat­ing back to 2000 BC, and around 73 AD that the Romans built a mil­i­tary base in what is now Rot­tweil’s Old Town area. In the Frank­ish peri­od, a roy­al palace was locat­ed in Rot­tweil. It was towards the end of the 12th cen­tu­ry that the late medieval core of the town was built, with church­es, foun­tains, town hous­es and espe­cial­ly the famous tow­ers stand­ing to this day.

An addi­tion­al tow­er has been added to the sky­line in mod­ern times. Thyssenk­rup­p’s ele­va­tor test tow­er was con­struct­ed in 2014 and now fea­tures Ger­many’s high­est pub­licly acces­si­ble obser­va­tion deck at 232 meters. Guid­ed tours are avail­able for those inter­est­ed in the tech­ni­cal details.

From 2nd cen­tu­ry AD Orpheus mosa­ic to many muse­ums and art exhi­bi­tions, to the­aters and music fes­ti­vals, there’s always some­thing cul­tur­al to enjoy in Rot­tweil. For those look­ing for recre­ation or relax­ation, there is the salt­wa­ter and adven­ture pool “Aqua­sol” as well as numer­ous hik­ing and bik­ing trails around the city.

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