

Kon­stanz, also known as Con­stance, is a his­toric town on the shores of the Bodensee, or Lake Con­stance. Its medieval old town has sur­vived large­ly intact. It is also home to a thriv­ing stu­dent pop­u­la­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Konstanz.

The town is famous for being the site of the Coun­cil of Con­stance in the ear­ly fif­teenth cen­tu­ry. It was one of the largest con­gress­es that the West­ern world had gath­ered up to that point and end­ed the West­ern Schism in the Catholic Church.

Today most peo­ple come to Kon­stanz for two rea­sons: shop­ping and water. It’s locat­ed right next to Switzer­land, and the low­er prices attract many peo­ple to cross the bor­der dai­ly – although it’s not real­ly fea­si­ble from Stuttgart, at 175 km (100 mi) away. Vis­i­tors can ben­e­fit from the wide range of shops and restau­rants. Bet­ter yet, take a swim or a boat ride on the Bodensee!

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