

Esslin­gen am Neckar is a town with an incred­i­bly rich his­to­ry. It’s a medieval town with over 800 mon­u­ments from across the cen­turies, all clus­tered close enough to be eas­i­ly acces­si­ble on foot. Walk­ing around, you’ll take in more than 1,200 years of archi­tec­ture on the shores of the Neckar river.

Vis­it Ger­many’s old­est sparkling wine cel­lar, which resides in a his­toric monas­tic build­ing, and have a taste of Kessler. Enjoy the vital cul­tur­al scene with gal­leries, the­aters and his­toric artist quar­ters in cel­lar vaults. Wan­der past lov­ing­ly ren­o­vat­ed shops and old town hous­es, where cof­fee and deli­cious region­al fare is served. Esslin­gen is also home to an enchant­i­ng medieval Christ­mas mar­ket every December.

Since Esslin­gen is only 16 km (10 mi) from Stuttgart, you can eas­i­ly vis­it again and again, each time dis­cov­er­ing anoth­er unique spot.

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