Going to See a Movie in English

Movies in English in Stuttgart

Liv­ing in Stuttgart doesn’t have to mean miss­ing out on the best new block­buster films! There are a vari­ety of places where you can enjoy that delight­ful movie-going experience.

1. Corso Cinema International

This two-room cin­e­ma in Vai­hin­gen is a com­mu­ni­ty expe­ri­ence. There’s open seat­ing, mak­ing it great for meet­ing a group. Cor­so Cin­e­ma spe­cial­izes in offer­ing films in their orig­i­nal lan­guage with­out dub­bing, some­times with sub­ti­tles in Eng­lish or Ger­man. Tick­ets can be reserved online in advance, but must be paid at the door in Euro. View the cur­rent week’s sched­ule and make your reser­va­tions here.

2. Various movie theaters, about once a week

Nor­mal movie the­aters in Stuttgart also some­times offer movies in Eng­lish. For exam­ple, Cin­e­maxx Stuttgart SI-Cen­trum and EM Filmthe­ater are pret­ty reli­able in offer­ing some­thing in Eng­lish once a week. You can use this site to see this week’s sched­ule for all Stuttgart cin­e­mas. Look for “OV” for orig­i­nal ver­sion or “OmU” for orig­i­nal ver­sion with sub­ti­tles. As long as the orig­i­nal lan­guage is Eng­lish, you’re good to go! Most of these the­aters offer online book­ing with a seat reser­va­tion, so be sure you plan in advance if you’d like to sit with peo­ple you know. You can still buy tick­ets at the door, but your seat­ing options may be limited.

3. Patch Movie Theater

Patch Bar­racks has its own movie the­ater. Movies are gen­er­al­ly screened Thurs­day to Sun­day, with an occa­sion­al addi­tion­al screen­ing on hol­i­days. Tick­ets are avail­able in US dol­lars at the the­ater, which opens one hour before the first screen­ing each day. You can see the sched­ule for the upcom­ing month here.

A Note on Popcorn

Most Ger­mans will tell you: one of the most stereo­typ­i­cal com­plaints of Amer­i­cans in Ger­many is about pop­corn. Ger­mans pre­fer their pop­corn light­ly sweet­ened (süss) rather than salty (salzig). Many an Amer­i­can has had an indig­nant­ly sur­prised or dis­ap­point­ed reac­tion to this unex­pect­ed fla­vor! Some cin­e­mas offer both options, or even more cre­ative ver­sions, but be sure to check before you buy.
