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Lichterfest – Festival of Lights

12 Jul 2025

Festival of Lights Stuttgart

The Lichter­fest is a spec­tac­u­lar light show that takes place in the mid­dle of one of Stuttgart’s old­est parks, around the Killes­berg Tow­er. The park is trans­formed into a mag­i­cal for­est you can wan­der to dis­cov­er many delights. The event cul­mi­nates in a fire­works show set to music.

The fes­ti­val also fea­tures live music on sev­er­al stages, a vari­ety of food and bev­er­age options, and a fun chil­dren’s pro­gram. This Volk­swa­gen-spon­sored event is attrac­tive for groups, cou­ples and fam­i­lies alike.

Tick­ets are avail­able online in advance and in the week before the fes­ti­val are also sold through DB and SSB (pub­lic trans­porta­tion) tick­et dis­pensers.



Höhenpark Killesberg Stuttgart
Höhenpark Killesberg
Stuttgart, 70191 Germany
+ Google Map


Höhenpark Killesberg Stuttgart
Höhenpark Killesberg
Stuttgart, 70191 Germany
+ Google Map