Stuttgart Events & Festivals

Cannstatter Volksfest – Beer Festival
26 Sep 2025 - 12 Oct 2025

The Cannstatter Volksfest is the second biggest beer festival in Europe, surpassed only by Munich’s Oktoberfest. Of course it is famous first for the numerous festival “tents,” which are more like halls, where your entrance ticket comes with two huge steins of beer as well as live music entertainment and a lively atmosphere. For some families, allegiance to a particular tent stretches back generations.
There’s far more to see and do at the Volksfest, though. Vendors offer everything from traditional gingerbread hearts to hearty meat dishes and local handicrafts. There are carnival rides and children’s games. There are discounted “family days” as well as a spectacular fireworks display. Many will come in the Dirndl or Lederhosen made popular by Bavarian custom, but you are very welcome in normal street clothes.