Moving to Stuttgart

Wel­come to a rapid­ly-grow­ing resource for peo­ple moving to Stuttgart, Ger­many. Whether you will be here for just a cou­ple of months or for the long haul, you’re sure to have a lot of ques­tions. We are steadi­ly adding pages to make your tran­si­tion a more well-informed experience.

Stuttgart apps cell phone

Stuttgart App Roundup

Opti­mize your Stuttgart expe­ri­ence by mak­ing the most of that tiny portable super­com­put­er – your cell phone! This handy guide goes over all the most use­ful apps.
mobilty getting around Stuttgart

Getting Around Stuttgart

If you’d rather not sit in traf­fic, have a look at the many oth­er trans­porta­tion options Stuttgart has to offer, from taxis and car shar­ing to bicy­cle and scoot­er rental!
Doctors in Germany

What to Do When Sick or Injured in Germany

Ger­many has an excel­lent health­care sys­tem, but it can feel a bit intim­i­dat­ing to nav­i­gate as a for­eign­er. Use this quick guide to get started!
Friends in Stuttgart

Making Friends in Stuttgart

Are you wor­ried it’ll be hard build up a social cir­cle in Ger­many? We out­line many oppor­tu­ni­ties for mak­ing new friends in Stuttgart.

Furnished Apartments in Stuttgart

We are Executive Suites Stuttgart (ESS), the pre­mi­um provider of fur­nished apart­ments in and around Stuttgart. We believe in mak­ing things as easy as pos­si­ble for your transition. 
horseback riding

Horseback Riding in Stuttgart

There are plen­ty of options for horse­back rid­ing in the Stuttgart area: take the kids for a pony ride, enroll in begin­ner class­es, join a rid­ing club, or attend an event!
Stuttgart Food Ordering

Food Ordering

Order­ing food in Stuttgart is as easy as going online! There’s no need for phone calls in Ger­man thanks to apps that let you gro­cery shop and order take-out.
Pets in Germany

Pets in Germany

Ger­many has an extreme­ly wel­com­ing cul­ture for pets and plen­ty of leg­is­la­tion for pet wel­fare. Read on for tips about han­dling bureau­cra­cy and get­ting your pet the best care in Stuttgart.
Mailbox Deutsche Post

Shipping & Receiving Packages

In Ger­many mail­ing and ship­ping are done by sev­er­al pri­vate com­pa­nies. Read our guide to ensure you can suc­cess­ful­ly send and receive pack­ages in Stuttgart!
Stuttgart Sights & Recreation

Sights & Recreation

Stuttgart is a city that offers a wide vari­ety of inter­est­ing sights and activ­i­ties. Get some ideas from our grow­ing selec­tion of places to check out while you’re liv­ing in Stuttgart.
Autobahn Driving

Driving in Germany

Ready to dri­ve in the land of Porsche and Mer­cedes? We take you through the most impor­tant infor­ma­tion about dri­ving in Germany.
Stuttgart view

Dear Americans Moving to Stuttgart

We’d like to intro­duce you to some aspects of life in Stuttgart that oth­er Amer­i­cans have com­ment­ed on as sur­pris­ing or dif­fi­cult to get used to. That way you can be as well pre­pared as pos­si­ble for your transition!
US Military & Government

US Military & Government

Whether you’re a fam­i­ly PCS­ing to Stuttgart, a gov­ern­ment employ­ee on assign­ment, or a con­trac­tor over for a project, there are lots of new things to fig­ure out.
Setting Up Home Internet in Stuttgart

Setting Up Home Internet in Stuttgart

Avoid get­ting locked into the wrong home Inter­net con­tract! This guide will help you think through the most impor­tant ques­tions to con­sid­er before get­ting connected.
Setting up your cell phone plan in Germany

Setting Up A Cell Phone Plan

Get your mobile phone work­ing as quick­ly as pos­si­ble in Stuttgart by fol­low­ing our guide to choos­ing and set­ting up a cell phone plan in Germany.
international phone calls explained

International Calling

If you’ve nev­er lived abroad, deal­ing with phone num­bers from mul­ti­ple coun­tries at once can be very con­fus­ing. Here’s a primer to make things eas­i­er for you!
VPN Services

VPN Services

A VPN, or vir­tu­al pri­vate net­work, can allow peo­ple from abroad liv­ing in Ger­many to access stream­ing media like they’re at home. Check out our recommendation.
Movies in English in Stuttgart

Movies in English

Liv­ing in Stuttgart doesn’t have to mean miss­ing out on the best new block­buster films! There are a vari­ety of places where you can enjoy that delight­ful move-going experience.
hard water

Adjusting to Life with Hard Water

Hard water con­tains min­er­als that may affect skin and hair, as well as how you clean. Check out our tips to adjust­ing to life with hard water!
grocery shopping fresh produce

Shopping in Stuttgart

Stuttgart is a mod­ern city with a full range of shop­ping options. In this arti­cle we’ll point you to some key shop­ping areas and offer a few tips regard­ing shop­ping in this area.
German School System

The German School System

Moving to Stuttgart with school-age kids? Check out our guide to the Ger­man school sys­tem, with tai­lored infor­ma­tion and help­ful links for resources in Baden-Württemberg.
Stuttgart Public Transportation

Public Transportation

Pub­lic urban trans­porta­tion ser­vice in and around Stuttgart includes VVS bus­es, U‑Bahn & S‑Bahn. Learn more about the sys­tem and how to buy tickets.
Taxi Services in Stuttgart

Taxi Services

You’ll always be able to order taxi ser­vice or a ride when you need one if you save one of these num­bers or apps.
Emergency Services in Stuttgart

Emergency Services

Here’s a quick guide to emer­gency ser­vices here in Stuttgart. The most impor­tant num­bers are 112 for an ambu­lance or the fire brigade and 110 for the police.
Hospitals in and around Stuttgart

Hospitals in and around Stuttgart

Stuttgart has a high con­cen­tra­tion of hos­pi­tals with excel­lent med­ical care. Get quick access to infor­ma­tion about each hos­pi­tal and their var­i­ous med­ical spe­cial­ties in this overview.
indoor pool hallenbad kid laps

Swimming Pools and Mineral Baths

There are plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties when it comes to swim­ming in and around Stuttgart, per­fect if you want to cool off, warm up, get fit, relax, or play with the kids!
stay cool fan

How to Stay Cool in Stuttgart...without AC

Air con­di­tion­ing in apart­ments and hous­es isn’t com­mon in Ger­many, so what do Ger­mans do to stay cool in the sum­mer heat? Read on for some help­ful tips!?
Personal Liability Insurance in Germany

Personal Liability Insurance in Germany

Pri­vat-Haftpflichtver­sicherung, or per­son­al lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance, can save you a lot of mon­ey when you unin­ten­tion­al­ly cause cost­ly damage.
Image of garbage containers and

Waste Sorting & Recycling

Ger­many is known for its strict rules for waste sort­ing and recy­cling. The sys­tem is so com­pli­cat­ed that some­times even Ger­mans are not sure what to do with cer­tain things.
Stuttgart Airport

Stuttgart Airport

Stuttgart has its own inter­na­tion­al air­port. It is easy to get to by pub­lic trans­porta­tion, you can book park­ing or a rental car online, plus there’s a gro­cery store that is open on Sunday.
English bookstore

Where to Find Books in English

Of course you can order books in Eng­lish online, but noth­ing beats the expe­ri­ence of vis­it­ing a real book­store or library. Dis­cov­er our rec­om­mend­ed places to find books in Eng­lish in Stuttgart!

Local Swabian Food

Swabi­an food is sim­ple, hearty fare with many dish­es based on meat and home-made egg noo­dles. We’ve cho­sen to high­light the dish­es that are most rec­og­niz­able as Swabian.
VfB Stuttgart Football Match

Stuttgart Sport Teams

Stuttgart was named the Euro­pean cap­i­tal of sport in 2007. The most pop­u­lar sport is cer­tain­ly soc­cer, but there’s also foot­ball, bas­ket­ball, hock­ey, hand­ball, and base­ball & softball.
Classical Music Groups in Stuttgart

Classical Music Groups in Stuttgart

Love clas­si­cal music? You can attend per­for­mances both in and around Stuttgart all year round. Here we intro­duce sev­en local groups that play clas­si­cal music.
Snow in Stuttgart

Snow in Stuttgart

Whether you find snow a nos­tal­gic delight, a strange new expe­ri­ence, or sim­ply a both­er, it’s smart to be pre­pared. Check out our tips to ensure you’re well informed when it comes to snow in Stuttgart!
Stuttgart Videos

Stuttgart Videos

Many peo­ple under­es­ti­mate Stuttgart, because they know lit­tle about our city. Here you can watch a few videos about Stuttgart which will show you how won­der­ful the met­ro­pol­i­tan area and the sur­round­ings are.
Solitude Palace

Sights in & around Stuttgart

Here’s a small selec­tion of places to vis­it in Stuttgart and the sur­round­ing areas. All sights include a link to the web­site and a link to Google Maps.

Towns around Stuttgart

There are so many beau­ti­ful towns in the South­west of Ger­many which you can eas­i­ly reach from Stuttgart. Here are a few places that are def­i­nite­ly worth a visit.
Stuttgart State Gallery

Museums in Stuttgart

Learn about Stuttgart’s wide vari­ety of muse­ums, includ­ing the usu­al art, his­to­ry, and sci­ence as well as muse­ums on cars, wine, choco­late, and even pigs.
Stuttgart Parks & Recreation

Stuttgart Parks & Recreation

Stuttgart is known as an auto­mo­bile city, but there is lots of green space as well. There are plen­ty of parks and options for out­door activities
vineyard winery

Vineyards & Wineries

Stuttgart’s 17.5 hectares of vine­yards and many award-win­ning winer­ies are per­fect for explorato­ry hikes, guid­ed tours and tast­ing events.
Black Forest overview

The Black Forest

Guide to the Black For­est to learn about this region’s tra­di­tion­al cul­ture, hand­i­crafts, food and drink, and the many out­door activ­i­ties and nat­ur­al sights that draw visitors.